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The Top 5 Foods That Will Make You Feel Good

      What if you could take a medication and instantly be joyful and out of your depression? Or how about Harry Potter's uplifting potion? Of course, neither of those things exist, but there are some foods that include supplements that have been proved to increase mood in clinical trials. You won't be able to take a magic pill that will suddenly make you happy, but you can eat some of these foods to help fight depression, ease anxiety, or simply enhance your mood on a bad day. 1.Strawberries Photo by  Suzy Hazelwood  in  Pexels Here's something you probably didn't know about the fruit that goes into our list : Strawberries contain vitamin C, which has been proved to boost emotions, as well as potassium, which aids nerve cell production and regulates all of the other minerals you consume. 2. Salmon Photo by  cottonbro  in  Pexels So, not everyone enjoys fish. Salmon, on the other hand, is rich with health benefits for individuals who consume it. It contains omega-3 fatt
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CARA MENURUNKAN / MERENDAHKAN BERAT BADAN YANG BAIK (How to the Secret To Lowering / Losing Weight)

  How to the Secret To Lowering / Losing Weight 1. Breakfast: Fruit and low sugar milk. What kind of fruit, I have no restrictions. Because there must be a diet procedure that is not allowed to eat certain fruits. Often apples with pears. a. Wheat bread and low fat milk. b. slice wheat bread baked with butter 0.5 tbsp. Filled wheat bread and low fat milk. 1 slice of toasted rye bread filled with scrambled eggs. 2. Lunch a. Vegetables: I often stir-fry or eat simple ones. Saute chickpeas with bean sprouts and tofu, stir-fried mustard greens and tofu, stir-fry long beans and tempeh. Depends on what ingredients are still in the fridge. Or eat fresh vegetables using impromptu chili sauce (no oil). Lalapan is often lettuce, basil, boiled long beans, along with boiled pumpkin. 3. Animal protein. It's very common for eggs to just be fried. Or grilled chicken breast. Sweet and sour chicken breast. The point is to avoid oil. 4. Vegetable protein, this is what doctors usually know and tempeh


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Empat Tips Ampuh Agar Terlihat Lebih Awet Muda Hingga Lanjut Usia, Mari Terapkan Guys!

                          Untuk tetap terlihat lebih awet muda meskipun sudah lanjut usia merupakan suatu impian bagi semua semua.  Impian kita itu bisa terwujud dengan salah satu  cara yaitu dengan melakukan perawatan pada area kulit wajah kita. namun selain perawatan kulit wajah, kita juga harus mengubah kebiasaan buruk atau gaya hidup yang kurang sehat selama ini karena hal itu dapat menunda proses pengerutan atau penuaan dalam kulit kita.          Berikut ini ada 4 tips ampuh agar tetap telihat lebih awet muda hingga lanjut usia yang dapat kamu coba dengan menerapkan pola / gaya hidup sehat. Yuk, langsung aja kita bahas!  1. Menghindari Tekanan Batin (Stres)           Tips yang pertama ini bisa kita terapkan agar dapat terlihat lebih awet muda hingga  lanjut usia. Tekanan batin merupakan salah satu faktor pendukung yang dapat menyebabkan penuaan/ pengkerutan dini di wajah kita.  Sebuah studi yang telah diterbitkan dalam Prosiding National Academy of Science menemukan sebuah fakta b

Palm Sugar / Sugar Can Cure Boils... !!!

         Surely between us is no stranger to boils.A boil is a condition in which the occurrence of skin abscess disorders that are unwanted and occur naturally. Dust or pollution prevents opening of the pores, resulting in the formation of lumps accompanied by pain due to irritation. In addition, excessive heat can also cause problems related to boils and other skin diseases.           Although it seems trivial, ulcers can cause pain sensations that are quite disruptive to daily activities so they must be treated immediately. To treat ulcers quickly and practically, you can try natural herbal treatments with herbs that are easily available.           Simply using "Brown Sugar / Palm Sugar" and "Soap Bar" we can make this super effective natural herbal concoction to cure ulcers quickly and precisely. Before using drugs, the skin that has boils we need to clean it first and wipe it with a clean cloth so that bacteria do not exist. The method is very easy. Here is how

Guaranteed Delicious, Here It Recipes the Latest Cuisine of cabbage and long beans

                                    Let's try the latest cuisine creations. This one type of vegetable dish has a slightly spicy taste because it is added with a little chili and there is an addition of turmeric and ginger and onion which makes the dish more fragrant. The ingredients are also easy to get. good luck guys .. !!! The ingredients: ¤ 7 pieces of cayenne pepper ¤ 4 shallots ¤ 2 pieces of garlic ¤ Tomatoes 1 fruit ¤ Ginger for 1/2 thumb ¤ Turmeric as big as a thumb ¤ Cabbage vegetables 1/2 of a circle ¤ One bunch long beans ¤ Masako (flavoring) 1/2 pack ¤ Salt to taste ¤ Water is about 1 small basin How to cook it: 1. Slice the shallots and garlic thinly, as well as the cayenne pepper and the tomatoes. 2. Grind the ginger, turmeric and salt a little until smooth. 3. Slice the cabbage and cut the string beans into several pieces. 4. Fry the slices of the onion and garlic first until the color is slightly brown (cooked). 5. Then add the sliced ​​chili, tomato and the grind

Taste Interpretation

          Please, don't only interpret about the love when you feel needed or admire, and don't also define heartbreak when you're hurt.               Because there is a silly feeling that arises when you see something or because you hear from something, seize the seeds of love in a coercive first glance and keep the spark on fire, we often make the same mistakes and repeat them until we regret and end with repeat it again.          Someone who is experiencing a broken heart may actually be easy to be happy, but feared by the imagination of regret that is built on its own. One of the most mysterious diseases of medicine is heartache, really hard to define in words but easy to understand with its taste. Sometimes. One of the most foolish things that is practiced is giving advice to people who are feeling down.            Now I feel that people who say living alone are much happier usually have sad stories that are stored very deep in their hearts.