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CARA MENURUNKAN / MERENDAHKAN BERAT BADAN YANG BAIK (How to the Secret To Lowering / Losing Weight)


How to the Secret To Lowering / Losing Weight

1. Breakfast:

Fruit and low sugar milk. What kind of fruit, I have no restrictions. Because there must be a diet procedure that is not allowed to eat certain fruits. Often apples with pears.

a. Wheat bread and low fat milk.
b. slice wheat bread baked with butter 0.5 tbsp.

Filled wheat bread and low fat milk. 1 slice of toasted rye bread filled with scrambled eggs.

2. Lunch

a. Vegetables: I often stir-fry or eat simple ones. Saute chickpeas with bean sprouts and tofu, stir-fried mustard greens and tofu, stir-fry long beans and tempeh. Depends on what ingredients are still in the fridge. Or eat fresh vegetables using impromptu chili sauce (no oil). Lalapan is often lettuce, basil, boiled long beans, along with boiled pumpkin.

3. Animal protein. It's very common for eggs to just be fried. Or grilled chicken breast. Sweet and sour chicken breast. The point is to avoid oil.

4. Vegetable protein, this is what doctors usually know and tempeh which often includes stir-fried vegetables. But when it comes to fresh vegetables, generally know that I'm grilled.

5. Carbohydrates. Why are you still eating white rice, but it's just 2 tablespoons too,
6. Afternoon
    Every morning I eat fruit, usually in the afternoon I eat bread. Or vice versa.

7. Drink 2 liters of water a day, try not to drink sweet things.

8. Fried foods:
    This Suer means a lot to me. Because I can't leave the fried doctor. Not only eating the food above, I  
    certainly add fried foods, either fried tempeh or bakwan. But quite one. No more. Make us diet but 
    can still eat the food we like. The point is to eat anything but don't miss it.

9. Exercising: I exercise almost every day on the treadmill for an hour. Those are calories burned from 

Of the 9 points above, I only eat often. But you can see I'm still eating noodles, still drinking coffee. Remember, don't be late.

Note: Sorry for partially translating this article into English that I have made because I have just learned it, thank you.



1. Makan pagi:

Buah serta susu rendah gula. Buah nya apa aja aku gak terdapat pantangan. Karna pasti terdapat tata cara diet yg gak boleh makan buah tertentu. Seringnya apel bersama buah pir.

a. Roti gandum serta susu low fat. 

b. slice roti gandum dipanggang pake mentega 0, 5 sdm. 

Roti gandum isi serta susu low fat. 1 slice roti gandum panggang isi telur ceplok.

2. Makan Siang

a. Sayur :  Aku seringnya tumis ataupun memakan yang sederhana. Tumis buncis dengan toge dan tahu , tumis sawi putih sawi hijau tahu, tumis kacang panjang dan tempe. Bergantung bahan yg masih terdapat di dalam kulkas. Ataupun makan lalapan pake sambel dadakan ( gak pake minyak). Lalapan seringnya selada, kemangi, kacang panjang direbus, bersama  labu rebus.

3. Protein hewani, Sangat kerap sih telor karna tinggal ceplok jadi. Ataupun dada ayam panggang. Dada ayam asam manis. Intinya hindarin minyak.

4. Protein nabati, Ini umumnya dokter ketahui serta tempe yg seringnya include ditumis sm sayur- mayur. Tp kl lg lalapan umumnya ketahui aku panggang.

5. Karbohidrat. Masih makan kok nasi putih tp lumayan 2 sdm aja serta,


6.Makan Sore

Setiap pagi aku makan buah, biasa sore makan roti. Ataupun kebalikannya.

7. Minum air putih 2 Liter sehari, upayakan tidak minum yang bersifat manis.

8. Makanan yang digoreng : 

Suer ini berarti bgt buat saya. Karna saya gak bs lepas dokter gorengan. Tidak hanya makan santapan diatas, saya tentu nambahin gorengan entah tempe goreng ataupun bakwan. Tetapi lumayan satu. Gak lebih. Buat kita diet tetapi dapat tetap makan santapan yg kita suka. Intinya makan apa aja tetapi jangan kelewatan.

9. Berolahraga: Saya nyaris tiap hari workout sama  treadmill satu jam. Itu kalori yg kebakar habis berolahraga.

Dari 9 poin diatas cuma Seringnya aku makan. Tetapi dapat diliat aku masih makan mie, masih minum kopi. Ingat seperlunya jangan kelewatan. 

Catatan : Mohon maaf untuk sebagian translate artikel ini ke dalam bahasa inggris yang telah saya buat karena saya baru saja mempelajarinya, terimakasih.


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