Hi friends ...!
Well, in this blog I discussed about how to improve network / connection on Windows 8 / 8.1. The reason why the subject is discussed is because when I want to set up a particular blog, suddenly the network on the laptop says "Limited".
I didn't think about something like this. Wow ... more or less than 2:00 p.m. to 5:40 p.m. I'm busy repairing the network to get back to normal, guys. Try all the tricks on Google by using my Android phone. Hufft ... and my friends finally found a way that could really fix my network back to normal. Incidentally the windows I use is Windows 8.1 guys. Hopefully this method can also help those of you who suddenly have a "limited" laptop connection or in other words do not connect to the internet. So, for you guys don't need to worry because I will provide a way to fix it.
Quick and accurate way to fix a limited network on Windows 8 / 8.1:
The ways we can do that are:
1. Enter the start menu on the laptop, then look for the control panel on your laptop or can be by the way klik
+ letter X to bring up the Control panel options menu on windows as shown below.
2. After that, click on Device Manager like in this picture, guys.....!
3. Then look for the name Network adapters and click adapters from each of your laptops, because in Windows 8.1 I have connected that is Qualcomm Atheros QCA9565 802.11b / g / n Wifi Adapter and click on the Properties menu as shown below.
4. Then click on the driver menu in the properties and select Update drivers as shown.
5. Then, select the second option in the options menu, guys...!
6. Then, click the second option again, which is written Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer.
7. After the display appears like this, click on the adpter's name in the box and click the Next button.
8. And finally the display will appear as shown below and click the Close menu. Congratulations...!!!, then your network will return to normal as shown below and have been able to enter the internet network.
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